
Using NGEN to improve performance on start-up

Last updated: July 19, 2022

You can shorten the launching time of MA!N by running it from an image instead of as a JIT application.

Go in command prompt to the folder where NGEN is located:

cd "C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319"

Then run the command:

ngen install "C:\Data\Main\Main.exe"

The above path is to the directory where MA!N is installed. This has to done with administrator rights. After running this command you will get a load of messages in command prompt, that is fine.
Next time you start MA!N, .Net will check if there is an image. If it finds one, starting MA!N will be faster.
The Steps described above have to be repeated after every hardware change, and after every update of MA!N in order to keep working.

More information on NGEN can be found here