Fast.Smart. Service.

At CE-iT, we often take a slightly different approach – just a little bit smarter. We design smart flexible software . Why? Because that’s what users want. After all, the world is constantly changing, so what you need tomorrow may not be exactly what you need today.

Meeting specific needs

When we first started up in 2003, we focused on smaller businesses. But over the years, we’ve become a valued partner to large organisations as well, from banks to hospitals. Organisations looking for the best – rather than the least expensive –solutions. They appreciate our ability to quickly deliver solutions that meet their specific requirements. And they value the fact that we work together with them to provide the ideal configuration of the software for their business. That we keep our promises. That we offer good support. And most of all: that we’re completely honest with them. Not possible? Will it cost more? Will it require a custom-made solution? We don’t shy away from telling the ‘inconvenient truth’. Because we firmly believe that a sustainable relationship in business is based on trust.


Our people work remotely. So we don’t need a fancy office in a steel and glass tower. We’d rather spend our time solving our customers’ problems than commuting to our workplace. And beyond that, we want to work with the best people we can, and not all them live in Amsterdam. Indeed, our virtual office gives us an edge in efficiency. An advantage that pays dividends to our customers as well; they benefit from our competitive rates, our personal attention, and our quick turnaround.

A few words are sufficient

CE-iT is a compact organisation with eight specialists who know the tricks of the trade when it comes to credit management and software development. They’ve all worked in that world themselves, so they know it inside and out. Their expertise is on both the functional and the technical levels. So they ‘get it’ – when you sit down to discuss your particular needs with these specialists, a few words will suffice.

Intelligent software

Every day, more than 150 organisations in more than 60 countries use our software. Organisations looking for the best solutions They want to work in their own style, in their own language. That is exactly what we offer on a global level: intelligent, flexible software. Coherent, scalable, user-friendly software. Good, solid software that enables you to work quickly and flawlessly. But CE-iT distinguishes itself in another way: we combine standard modules with customer-oriented configurations that work so seamlessly that they seem to be custom-designed. To sum it all up, we go the extra mile to accommodate the specific needs of our customers.


MA!N Credit Management Software can do a lot and we would be happy to tell you more about it in person. If you contact us, we will give you a demo.