
Restart Serv-iT automatically

Last updated: April 15, 2024

It is a best practice to restart the ‘Serv-iT’ job every day. This is of course easiest done automatically. To do this, first we have to stop the job. This can be done by scheduling ‘Quit Serv-iT’-job (Quit_Serv-iT;0).

Next, we need a script to start the job again.


@echo off
net stop Start-iT
taskkill /im Main.exe /f /fi "USERNAME eq accountname"
timeout /t 150 /nobreak
net start Start-iT

Replace ‘AccountName’ in the above script with the name of the account of the Start-iT service account.
Make a scheduled job in the Windows Task Scheduler that executes this .bat file.